Curated news is a bi-monthly newsletter showcasing ideas, initiatives and practices from around the world and here in Ritoma. We hope these findings bring you fresh insights, a renewed sense of connection and grounding nourishment.

I N S I G H T  

Contemplate the significance of the Afghan bazaar in Hangama Amiri’s latest textile based artworks.

Study the vast array of Tibetan motifs symbolising landscapes, elements, mudras and more.

Consider our relationship with the planet earth from the moon as part of the Triennale Milano podcast.

C O N N E C T 

Discover Romeo Gigli’s carpets, the place between the ground and the spirit.

Visit ‘Tree Mountain — A Living Time Capsule’ by conceptual artist Agnes Denes.

Read about the inspiring projects supporting the survival of craft practices by Caravane Earth.

N O U R I S H 

See the shape of sound of yang chants with Tibetan Yang-Yig graphic music notation.

Heal with the songs of the Shipibo shamans of the Amazon who sing the patterns of the universe.

Uplift with this guided meditation for channeling creative energy.


On the 20th of July, the monks of Ritoma held their annual picnic on the summer grasslands. The Managers of Norlha were invited on the second day of the three day picnic. The monks played soccer, held races and slept under the stars in their tents. They would enter into isolation and meditation for six weeks following the picnic.  

On the 1st of August Norlha held its own annual three day picnic. Two large tents and three smaller ones were pitched on the top of a hill behind the Norlha Atelier. The entire Norlha team of over a 100 artisans assembled every day at nine in the morning to feast and play games. The weather was beautiful and the inevitable water fight took place every evening.

The isolation and meditation period for the monks of Ritoma ended on the 6th of September. This marked the end of the summer and the monks are once again ready to return to their duties in supporting the local community in prayers and rituals held throughout the fall and winter periods.